Stanford Profile
Laura holds a PhD degree in Energy Resources Engineering from Stanford University. Her research focuses on understanding fluid transport in shale by imaging, reconstructing and analyzing the rock fabric at nanometer scales. Her interests range from oil & gas engineering, fluid flow in porous media, to environmental and regulatory issues in the oil & gas industry, the energy transition, and energy policy.
Shale reservoirs store large hydrocarbon reserves, and represent promising opportunities for carbon sequestration and storage. However, the nanometric pore networks within shale rocks remain poorly characterized, despite evidence suggesting that these networks govern the dynamics of confined fluids. My research focuses on developing high-resolution imaging methodologies applicable to shale, using advanced FIB-SEM and STEM techniques. Multiscale datasets with structural and mineralogical information down to the nanometer provide a better understanding of pore network morphology, relevant scales for fluid transport and storage, and displacement and reaction processes occurring during production.